The Three Systems That Every Sleep Consulting Business Needs To Have

The 19 Sections of a High-Converting Sales Page for Sleep Consultants (+ examples)

More Sleep Consultants are choosing a sales page over a website nowadays because of their effectiveness in driving conversions and achieving specific goals. And the focused approach of a sales page makes it easier to capture the attention of potential customers.

A sales page is a standalone web page. Unlike a full website, which may contain multiple pages and various information, a sales page is focused solely on persuading visitors to take one particular action, for example to apply for your Sleep Support Package or to buy your online Newborn Sleep Shaping course.

Let’s dive into the 19 key sections of a successful sales page for Sleep Consultants. Note: If you prefer to watch this content, check out this video).

Section 1: Attention-Grabbing Headline

This is the first section your ideal client will see when they land on your page, and it should clearly state the benefit or solution you offer. You want to write a headline that grabs their interest so that they are encouraged to read the rest of the page. Here are some suggestions:

  • You can sleep through the night, even if your nervous about sleep training.
  • You can have a well-rested family, even if you don’t want to let your baby to cry it out.
  • I have a better way to help your child sleep through the night, without sleep training.
  • Your child isn’t the problem, it’s your consistency (yes, that’s a bold one!)
  • Get your first full night of sleep within 4 days (make sure the terms & conditions are clear!)

So you would start this section with a clear call to action, then state how “they can get what they want, even if…” and explain their objection or excuse. And make sure to add a clear call to action at the end of this section. This can be a button with “Schedule a FREE 15 Min. Sleep Assessment Call” or a “Learn More” button about your online course, for example.

Section 2: Paint The Problem

In this section you want to connect on a personal level. Highlight the issues and frustrations your ideal client faces with their child’s sleep and empathise with the struggles they endure. You can start with a sentence like “Do you find yourself in a constant battle with bedtime, wondering if there’s anything you haven’t tried yet?” Then paint a picture with empathy that they are in the right place. Connect emotionally, show them that you see them and understand their challenges. Other sentences you can use here are: Does any of this apply to you? Are you struggling to… Does this sound familiar? Make sure to let them know that it’s not their fault. After having read this section you want them to feel seen, heard and understood.

Section 3: Look Into The Future

In this section you want to paint a picture of what their life could be like after they have what they want? Go deep and tell the story of how it’ll feel and how life will look to have their desire. People value your offer more if they think you can help them close the gap between their current reality and their dreams. You could start with “Imagine this.. after just 3 weeks you could..” Then dig deeper than just having a full night of sleep, what will that full night of sleep have as an effect. What will they get more off (energy, time, date nights, …), and what will they get less of (worries, stress, developmental problems, …).

Explain why they should care and really paint that picture. You could end with a sentence like: “If that’s the life you’ve been craving, your 3 weeks can start TODAY!”

Feeling overwhelmed with all these sections? Take a look at this sales page I made for Sleep Consultants, like you. It’s got everything you need to get started, and will help you save time and attract more clients.

Section 4: Address the Road Blocks

In this section you want to address the road blocks, the problems and challenges that are holding them back from having what they want. A great sentence would be something like: ”Yes, I want my baby to sleep through the night, but… ” Why aren’t they yet where they want to be. What keeps them from taking action. Is is the time, the effort, the sacrifice. Think of your ideal client and go deep. Don’t just state the problem on it’s own, they should feel the pain through your words. Drop a sentence like: “Here’s the problem you face: most parents think… which means that you’ll never…” Or you could say something like: “It’s not your fault if you aren’t….” Make sure they know that they’re not alone.

Section 5: Address The Objections

In this section you give a one sentence summary of what they know is important, and what they don’t need, this is the most common objection you hear from your ideal client. Start with the sentence, “You don’t need another…” and then continue with “What you really need is someone to…” Then you explain everything you are and what you do, without saying that it’s you. You can say something like: make you feel supported, not judge on you not wanting to leave your baby to cry. Make sure to address what’s different about you and why that matters to her results. How is your process unique? How is your service different then from other sleep consultants? What does she need to know about how you on board clients?

Section 6: Mini-Bio

In this section you share a story about how you’ve been through the same experience as your ideal client. Let them know you’re just like them. That you understand their problem that they’re currently dealing with. If you can describe an exact scenario they’re experiencing, the more they will connect with you and believe you know their pain and have a solution to fix that problem.

Section 7: The Turning Point

In this section you explain your turning point. That missing piece that tells them that what they need to get the success they want isn’t something they’ve tried before. It’s the missing ingredient, the thing they’ve overlooked or haven’t known about. And it’s the exact thing that’s keeping them from having those nights they want. You can say something like: all I did was… Make it seem like there’s an obvious answer they’ve not tried and that by buying your offer, they’ll get the support they need to finally get the results they want.

Section 8: Introduce Your Offer

In this section you want to explain what you do. Establish your authority. Briefly share your expertise, qualifications and unique approach. Explain why your story has prepared you to help her. Explain how you’re helping your clients getting the results they want. And communicate the cost of not working with you. That could look something like this: “(your offer) is the proven (your solution) for (ideal client) where you’ll learn to (benefit 1), (benefit 2), and (benefit 3), through (your solution).” Don’t talk about your process, explain why this is the thing they should spend their money on. You can add a call to action button at the end of this section, such a “Schedule a Call”.

Section 9: Testimonials Focused on Perceived Likelihood of Achievement

In this section you want to drop a couple of testimonials that communicate and confirm with what you’ve explained before. A great sentence to use is “See how my program has brought full nights of sleep to families just like yours”.

Section 10: Features & Benefits

In this section you want to explain the 3–5 steps of your program, and really address what’s different about you. This section is a big deal, because this is what they care about. The first step is the free sleep assessment call you will do. Describe the results your ideal client can expect, what they get out of buying your offer, how their lives will shift and what they want most. Give a description of the feature, then explain the benefit. So for example: “You’ll learn how to create a solid bedtime routine, so you and your child can actually enjoy the time together.” Make sure to showcase how you’re different from other Sleep Consultants. Explain how your process will improve their life. Can you make sure that they understand that investing in your offer has a clear return on investment? Explain how your offer is going to help them achieve their long term goals.

Section 11: Testimonials Focused on Time Delay

In this section you want to share testimonials that show your ideal client that no matter their situation it’s likely that it will happen for them too, and that it doesn’t have to take as long as they think it might be. Explain why taking your offer is really worth their time.

Section 12: The Investment

In this section you want to have a couple of bullet points before you name the price. If you’re adding a total value and a today’s price, make sure that the total value is bigger and darker than the today’s price, this perceives that it’s lighter and will increase your sales. Don’t forget to add a clear call to action at the end of this section.

Section 13: Wait, there is more!

In this section you want to give them 1 or more bonuses. Do you have a recorded masterclass, or maybe a checklist, ebook or template? Or is there something you can offer from another company that would be valuable to your ideal client. Make sure that each bonus addresses an urgent problem, a compelling outcome and an intriguing solution.

Looking to save time and jump right in? Check out this sales page I’ve created specifically for Sleep Consultants. It’s equipped with all the essentials to kickstart your journey and streamline your client attraction process.

Section 14: Testimonial Focused on Building Trust & Credibility

In this section you want to share screenshots of messages you received from your clients, while working with them. I love using the sentence: “Don’t just take my word for it…”

Section 15: Reduce The Perceived Risk

In this section you reassure potential clients with a satisfaction guarantee. A question that crosses their mind will most likely be “Okay, but what if it doesn’t work for me?” Think about what is the biggest fear you client has about your offer? How can you reverse that or take on the risk yourself? You can take this both directions. You can either say: “I’m so confident in my program that I offer a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee if you don’t see noticeable improvements within the first week.” Or you can take it the other way and say: “No, I only work with clients who are fully committed, because I know that if you follow my step-by-step you will have guaranteed success.”

Section 16: Effort & Sacrifice

In this section you get really clear on for who your offer is and for who not. Focus on what they can expect, what they need to do, and if they are ready for this type of change. Being very clear in this section will avoid working with families who weren’t actually ready for the changes and consistency you expect from them.

Section 17: Scarcity

In this section you want to create a sense of exclusivity and urgency by mentioning that you limit the number of clients you take on each month. Highlight the benefits of this limited availability. You could write something like this: “To ensure the highest quality of serve and personalised attention, I only accept 4 clients each month. Act quickly to secure your spot and get that full night of sleep, within 3 weeks.”

Section 18: Got questions? I’ve got answers.

In this section you address common questions and concerns that your potential clients may have. You can add a sentence that says: “Here are some frequently asked questions about my (name of your sleep support package). If your question isn’t covered, feel free to reach out — I’m here to help.” This section is another way to address the most common objections of your ideal client.

Section 19: Not sure if this is for you?

If someone makes it all the way to the bottom of your page, you want to validate why they might end up there, you could say something like: “Investing in sleep training can be scary, especially if you’ve had bad experiences in the past.” Also you want to reassure those who may still be undecided by encouraging them to reach out to you. Make sure they understand that it’s not going to be hard sales call. You could say something like: “Schedule a no-obligation call where we can discuss any concerns, dive deeper into the program details, and find the best solution for your family.” Finish strong with a clear call to action, such as “Click here to schedule your call.”

Final thoughts…

And voila! All the sections you want to include to craft a high-converting sales page as a Sleep Consultant. If you’re looking for a ready-to-use sales page template that you can customize and launch in no time, check out this exclusive template designed by a Sleep Consultant for Sleep Consultants like you. It’s got everything you need to get started, and will help you save time and attract more clients.

You can find me on Instagram where I help Sleep Consultants like you with branding & design tips, so that you can save time and attract more clients.