How to Build a Lead Magnet Funnel as a Sleep Consultant

If you’re like me, you didn’t become a Sleep Consultant to spend hours on setting up a funnel. You became a Sleep Consultant to help families and create financial freedom, right? But this time-consuming (energy draining) task is (and you know that) a great way for you to be able to connect with more potential clients.

Listen, funnels aren’t complicated — yes, you can make them that way — but they absolutely don’t have to be.

lead magnet funnel is essentially a valuable freebie you offer to your potential clients in exchange for their contact details. Once you have their contact information, you can follow up with a series of emails to nurture the relationship, provide more value, and eventually promote your products or services.

Okay, that’s a lot of information in two sentences. Let me break it up for you in a couple of simple steps.

My name is Rianna Hijlkema, I’m a certified pediatric sleep consultant, postpartum doula, and founder of Sleep Consultant Design. Over the past years I’ve helped hundreds of Sleep Consultants to start, launch and grow their business. And now I’m here to help you.

Enough about me. Let’s go!

Step 1: Create a high-value lead magnet that resonates with your ideal client and is a complete solution to a narrow problem.

Before you create or buy a lead magnet (a.k.a. freebie) for your sleep consulting business, you need to be crystal clear on who you are helping. And no, ‘tired moms’ is not enough. Who is your ideal client? What are their beliefs, fears, needs? Are they single mothers, career women, stay-at-home moms, military spouses? Make sure that your lead magnet speaks to your specific target group and that it’s something they actually want.

Some examples:

  • How to Navigate Sleep Challenges as a Parent with a Child Dealing with Hearing Problems: Insights and Hacks Shared by a Mom of Two
    Deaf Children.
  • The Top 8 Sleep Strategies for Parents with Young Children Moving to a New Country

To be able to come up with a title like this, you need to be super clear on your ideal client, what their problem is and what your solution is. Your lead magnet should be the first step towards your signature service. It’s a complete solution to a narrow problem.

Note: your freebie is the MOST important part of your funnel. You only get one first impression, if you don’t deliver on what you promise, or it’s not of value to your ideal client, no amount of Instagram posts or 5-day email sequence will be able to take that first impression away. Make sure you put enough time and effort in this first step!

  • It should draw in your ideal client.
  • It should discourage those who aren’t a good fit.
  • It should be on brand — same look and feel as all the rest of your business.

Step 2: Guide people to your opt-in page to grab your freebie in exchange for their contact details.

So, we’ve got the freebie, now we need to have a system in place that can actually collect email addresses. This is called an opt-in funnel, this is a simple page where you ask your ideal client to share their name and email address with you in exchange for your lead magnet.

As this is the first page your ideal client will see, you want to make sure that you clearly explain what exactly they will get when they leave their email address. Keep it simple and straight forward. And please (I see this go wrong so often) — only 1 call to action. No signing up for newsletters, or other e-books or sending them to your social media account.

This is not the moment for distraction. The only goal of this page is to persuade your ideal client to give you their email address. Nothing else.

Opt-in page template from my “Build Your Funnel in One Day” course.

How to build a lead magnet funnel as a sleep consultant


Step 3: After sign up send them to a thank you page with a clear call to action.

After leaving their email address you want to send your ideal client to your thank you page. Here you want to confirm that everything went well, AND it’s also a great opportunity (I see lots of sleep consultants miss out on this) to mention a new call to action. That can be something like scheduling a Sleep Assessment Call (see example below), or you can promote one of your paid guides, or a course. I’ve seen the most success with free calls or a product/course for no more than 27 USD.

Thank you page template from my “Build Your Funnel in One Day” course.


Step 4: Follow up with an email sequence including call to actions (book a call, download.., buy.., follow me, etc.)

Once you’ve attracted your potential clients, received their email address, your next step is to build and nurture a relationship with them. Just like in dating, you wouldn’t ask someone to marry you on the first date, right?

A great way to do this is to set up an email campaign. You write a series of emails, that will help you build trust and position yourself as the solution to their needs. You share insights, success sotries, and helpful content that resonates with their challenges, building a connection that goes beyond them just receiving your lead magnet.

Do you know what the biggest mistake is that Sleep Consultants make with their email sequence?

Guess.. I see it all the time…


I see a lot of Sleep Consultants waste a lot of time trying to perfect everything. You can spend hours or days on one email. The thing is it will never be 100% perfect and you end up in a never ending race where the finish line keeps moving further and further away.

Instead of perfection, strive for progress.

I don’t mean that you should compromise on quality, that’s why I created all these templates in the “Build Your Funnel in One Day” course for you, you have already such a strong foundation, so use them to your advantage. The faster you get this funnel set up, the faster you can go out there, help families and generate income.

Email #1 template from my “Build Your Funnel in One Day” course.

Step 5: Promote your funnel

You did it! Great job! Your funnel is ready… now it’s time to share the link to your opt-in page EVERYWHERE.. on your social media, on your website, with a qr code on a flyer in the supermarket, during a podcast or webinar, in Facebook groups, or (if you have the finances and knowhow) you can run ads.

Note: TEST TEST TEST before you share the link. That sounds obvious, but this often goes wrong and that could cost you a great amount of potential clients…

Step 6-10: Optimise your funnel…

You thought you were done, right? Nope.. now the actual work starts: optimizing your funnel. This is the process of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of each stage in your funnel, to increase lead generation, and sales.

If you’re getting people on your email list, but nobody schedules a call with you, you need to find the source of the problem. And for that you want to start from the beginning. Your traffic. The most common issue for getting people on your list, through your nurture sequence, but not scheduling a call with you are the following:

  1. You don’t understand your audience enough — what are their pain points, what is their dream outcome. If you’re talking to a Type A mom that loves schedules and routines and you mention in your freebie about wake windows and adapting each day — she won’t be scheduling a call.
  2. You’re acquiring the wrong type of traffic
  3. Maybe your freebie is super valuable, but it is attracting moms who are pregnant and want to feel better prepared, they wouldn’t schedule a call — now they might in the future, but that’s not the group you’re targeting if you’re offering sleep support for 4–16 month olds, right?

Are you a Sleep Consultant looking to build a funnel, but don’t really know where to begin, or just don’t want to waste hours on figuring all of this out.

Click here to “BUILD YOUR FUNNEL IN ONE DAY” — and get started today!

You’ll get:

👉 Immediate access to 5 video modules with step-by-step guidance including all the templates!

👉 Exclusive access to a ready-to-go lead magnet, opt-in funnel and thank you page.

👉 Exclusive access to an email sequence of 6 days

👉 Tutorial videos covering everything you need to get started as soon as possible.

Wait, there is more..!

You’ll also get access to…

Bonus #1: Tips on how to get more clicks to your funnel!

Bonus #2: Getting clicks, but no conversions — what to do?

‼️ Today for 47 USD!

Click here to “BUILD YOUR FUNNEL IN ONE DAY” — and get started today!

If you have any questions, doubts or concerns, send me a message on Instagram! I love to connect with fellow Sleep Consultants and I’m always happy to help you save time and attract clients!

1 Comment

  1. […] to learn more about funnels, take a look at this blog “How to Build a Lead Magnet Funnel as a Sleep Consultant” or → Follow me on […]

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