How to use the tripple s story telling method as a sleep consultant

The Triple S Story Telling Method

It can literally feel like an uphill battle, to try to stand out between all the other pediatric sleep consultants. I agree, it’s tough when everyone seems to be offering the same thing. But here’s a secret: there’s something uniquely yours that no one else can claim—your own personal story. By using my Triple S Storytelling Method— Scene, Struggle, Solution – you can share a story that really connects with your ideal client and shows them why you’re the perfect fit for their sleep challenges. In this article I’m going to show you how this works.

Phase 1: Setting The Scene

First, let’s start with Setting the Scene. This is where you explain why you decided to become a Sleep Consultant. Chances are, you’ve been through your own sleepless nights, trying everything to get your child to sleep. Remember those sleepless nights when you’d give anything for a full night’s rest? Share that story.

Example: “I’ll never forget those 2 a.m. wake-up calls when my baby would cry, and I’d be pacing the floor, exhausted and overwhelmed. No matter what I tried, nothing seemed to work, and I was at my wit’s end.”

Pro Tip: Share this in your sales calls, on social media, in podcast interviews, when talking to prospects. It’s a great way to connect deeply with parents who are in the same boat and show them that you truly understand their struggles.

Phase 2. Sharing Your Struggles

Then, it’s time to dig a bit deeper. This is where you get real about the tough challenges you faced while trying to fix your baby’s sleep issues. It’s not about glorifying your journey but about being relatable and authentic.

Example: “I read every book and followed every piece of advice I could find, but I felt like I was running in circles. Conflicting tips, endless sleepless nights—it was like being lost in a labyrinth with no clear path out.”

Pro Tip: Use this part of your story on your website’s “About” page or in social media posts. It helps parents see the human side of you and understand that you’ve been through the same challenges they’re facing.

Phase 3. Explain The Solution

Finally, you’ll close with the Solution—the breakthrough moment when everything started to fall into place. This is where you share how you found your way out of the sleep chaos and how you can now help others do the same.

Example: “After countless attempts and conversations with various sleep consultants, I knew I needed the right help. It wasn’t until I found a sleep consultant who truly understood the challenges of sleep training a child with autism that things started to change. With her customized strategies and empathetic approach, we established a consistent bedtime routine and specialized techniques that made a huge difference. Our nights went from being a battle to becoming peaceful and restorative, completely transforming our family’s sleep and daily life!”

Pro Tip: Highlight how others found you as THE solution in your client testimonials and case studies. It’s crucial to show how your unique approach can make a real difference for families dealing with similar challenges.

Bringing it All Together

Now that you know how to use the Triple S Storytelling Method, here’s how to make it work for you. Think back to your own experiences with sleep struggles. Be totally honest about everything you went through—your thoughts, challenges, and breakthroughs. Write it all down. This genuine story is what will help you connect with people.

Let me share an example. I worked with a Sleep Consultant who had been through IVF. And she remembered that she felt she couldn’t complain about her child’s sleep struggles because she had the child she’d wanted so badly, while many women she knew were still struggling to conceive. However, these were the very women she wanted to reach and help. So, she decided to share her honest thoughts and experiences on social media. As a result, people started reaching out to her. Her openness and authenticity made her relatable and built a strong sense of trust.

So, use your story everywhere—on your website, social media, and during client calls. Being open and authentic will help you connect with others who need your help. Your personal journey is a powerful tool to show you understand their struggles and can offer real solutions.

Need help creating your Triple S Story? Shoot me a DM on Instagram — I love helping fellow Sleep Consultants!