The Three Systems That Every Sleep Consulting Business Needs To Have

The Three Systems That Every Sleep Consulting Business Needs To Have

As a Sleep Consultant myself, I know that getting clients is key to succeeding in your business. But let’s face it, there’s a ton of stuff to do — from writing sleep plans to marketing your business. It can be overwhelming!

Let me explain to you the three crucial systems you need to have in place before taking on sleep consulting clients.

System 1: Lead Generation Funnel

A lead generation funnel is crucial for attracting potential clients to your sleep consulting business. This funnel typically consists of a series of steps designed to capture leads’ interest, nurture them, and ultimately convert them into paying clients. Components of this funnel may include:

  • Awareness Stage: Attracting potential clients through content marketing, social media, and advertising.
  • Interest Stage: Engaging leads with valuable content, such as blog posts, videos, or webinars, to address their sleep-related concerns.
  • Decision Stage: Presenting your sleep consulting services as the solution to their sleep issues and encouraging them to take action, such as scheduling a consultation or signing up for your services.
  • Action Stage: Guiding leads to complete the desired action, whether it’s booking a consultation, purchasing a sleep package, or subscribing to your newsletter.

Want to learn more about funnels, take a look at this blog “How to Build a Lead Magnet Funnel as a Sleep Consultant” and → Follow me on Instagram for more tips related to sleep consulting.

System 2: Client Onboarding & Engagement System

Once leads become clients, it’s essential to have a system in place to onboard them effectively and keep them engaged throughout their journey towards better sleep. This system may include:

  • Onboarding Process: Welcoming new clients, explaining your services and policies, and gathering necessary information about their sleep habits and concerns.
  • Consultation and Assessment: Conducting thorough sleep assessments and consultations to understand clients’ needs and develop personalized sleep plans.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitoring clients’ progress over time, providing ongoing support and guidance, and adjusting sleep plans as needed to achieve their goals.
  • Communication Channels: Establishing clear communication channels for clients to reach out with questions, concerns, or updates about their sleep progress.

TIP: Have you heard of ‘Buyer’s Remorse’ this is when someone feels regret or uneasiness after making a purchase. It might have happened to you once and that’s a horible feeling. As a Sleep Consultant, you can prevent this by offering a welcome pack right after they make the payment. This pack should include valuable information, resources, and a clear outline of what they can expect. By providing immediate value, you help reassure them about their decision and set a positive tone for the journey.

System 3: Client Retention & Referral System

Building long-term relationships with clients and encouraging referrals is essential for the sustainability and growth of your sleep consulting business. This system may include:

  • Follow-Up and Feedback: Checking in with clients regularly to assess their satisfaction, address any issues or challenges, and gather feedback on their experience.
  • Continued Support: Providing ongoing support, resources, and education to help clients maintain healthy sleep habits and address any setbacks or obstacles they encounter.
  • Referral Program: Encouraging satisfied clients to refer their friends, family, or colleagues to your sleep consulting services through incentives, discounts, or rewards.
  • Community Building: Creating a sense of community among your clients through online forums, support groups, or events where they can connect, share experiences, and support each other on their sleep journey.

Did you know that a happy client will tell 2 other people, but a client with a bad experience will tell 8! See if you can answer the following questions:

  • What does my client need in order to feel fully prepared to continually succeed post our work together?
  • How can I open a dialogue for my offboarded clients to give me clear feedback?
  • How do I want my clients to feel at our offboarding? How can I set that up now?

TIP: Summarizing the accomplishments of your client is a great way to:

  1. Remind them of all they have done (depending on how long they have been working with you, it can be hard to remember all their wins!)
  2. Have them be in a reflective mood. So if they want to leave a testimonial, they remember all the good stuff that you’ve done. And also, it’s a great way for them to be able to document just the growth that they’ve had since working with you.

You want your clients offboarding to be a CELEBRATION, not a melancholy parting.

And that’s it! By implementing these three systems, you can effectively attract, onboard, retain, and delight clients in your sleep consulting business, ultimately driving growth and success.

I know that you didn’t become a Sleep Consultant to spend hours on setting up systems. You became a Sleep Consultant to help families and create financial freedom, right? But this time-consuming and energy draining task is (and you know that) very important.

Listen… you don’t have to do it all alone. You can have that sleep consulting business you really really want — without all the headaches you think it’ll take to get there.

Let me introduce you to the Sleep Consultant Business Starter: a proven, step-by-step program including video training, done-for-you templates, and marketing systems (including website!) to go from certified Sleep Consultant to proud business owner!

You don’t need any technical experience to get started with this course, as all of the technical elements are explained step by step. This isn’t your average program — it’s tried, tested, and proven. I’m not here to waste your time; I’m here to make sure you see real, tangible results.

“It was really relaxing, I would say, because you’ve done most of the things. You can drag it out there, but then six months later you still don’t have anything, while now everything is done so it’s basically just get the clients, and that’s it!” – Anja (United Kingdom) Founder of Coco Dreamy Land

I’m all about helping Sleep Consultants build a profitable business that doesn’t leave you overwhelmed. I’m dedicated to delivering the best service I can, so that you come closer to that future you’re working towards!

“I’m so happy that everything is done, and I feel so confident right now. You gave me that push, and I needed this because all of this was new to me. I’m so thankful that I found you and have your guidance.”
– Anita (Dubai) Founder of Anita Bala Pediatric Sleep Solutions

This is your A-to-Z blueprint to start and launch your sleep consulting business. All in 6 modules, a step-by-step self-paced program with video training, done for you templates, and 1:1 text support.

No technical experience required — just take action and follow my proven process to turn your certification into a fully operational business.

The Sleep Consultant Business Starter™ ensures you can focus on what matters most — helping families and generating income.

I’m handing over the exact step-by-step system that I have used successfully with my 1:1 clients, but then for 10% of the usual cost. Let’s make your business a reality!

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