Steal My 6-Part Email Sequence for Sleep Consultants

After my Instagram account got hacked, I got WAY much more serious about my email list. In the end it’s the only asset you really own….Here are the 4 steps to build an email list (let’s not make it more complicated than it is!):

Step 1: Create a high-value lead magnet then..

Step 2: …guide people to your opt-in page to grab your freebie in exchange for their contact details..

Step 3: … after sign up send them to a thank you page with a call to action…

Step 4: .. then follow up with an email sequence including call to actions (book a call, download.., buy.., follow me, etc.)

And that email sequence can look something like this…

➡️ Email 1: “Here’s your…”

Make sure that this email arrives as soon as possible in their inbox after the person subscribes.

Make sure to address the following:

Tell people what to expect next.

Give people the thing they expected (their free download and/or other information)

➡️ Email 2: “You don’t need…”

In this email, you want to show them that there is an answer to their problem. In other words, you want to move them from ‘problem aware’ to ‘solution aware’.

Make sure to address the following:

  • Describe the problem your reader has
  • Describe what they need to solve it
  • Describe what they think they need to do (but actually don’t – bust a common myth!)
  • Create excitement for the next email (in which you’ll go in dept about your solution)
  • Remind them to download the lead magnet.

➡️ Email 3: “It’s not your fault…”

In this email, you want to demonstrate your expertise. And you want to relief guilt and present an opportunity to solve their problem.

Make sure to address the following:

  • Tell a story about a client you’ve helped
    • What was life before, during and after.
  • Tell them it’s not their fault (this is hard stuff, and nobody teaches it to you!)
  • Present your solution.
  • Encourage them to take action (hit reply on the email, schedule a call, buy a product)

➡️ Email 4: “Imagine…”

In this email, you want your reader to visualize themselves what life would look like after working with you. There’s no sales pitch that can match the picture they can create in their own situation in their own head what that looks like.

Make sure to address the following:

  • What benefits will they get right away?
  • What benefits will they get in a few weeks?
  • What benefits will they get in months, years, or the rest of their life?
  • Encourage them to take action (hit reply on the email, schedule a call, buy a product)

➡️ Email 5: “Now is the time…”

In this email, you want your reader to take action, you’ll ramp up the urgency to take action now.

Make sure to address the following:

  • Tell a story or a testimonial to let them know that you get them.
  • Paint a picture of life without your service.
  • Share testimonials of people who were on the fench or share frequently asked questions
  • Encourage them to take action (hit reply on the email, schedule a call, buy a product)

➡️ Email 6: “Will end soon…”

This email is the final reminder, a true last chance email. It’s a good place to emphasize testimonials in case proof is holding people back.

Make sure to address the following:

  • Remind them of your offer
  • Address some common objections
  • Share testimonials in case ‘proof’ is holding them back to
  • Encourage them to take action (hit reply on the email, schedule a call, buy a product)

Here you see the complete funnel to build an email list in action:

🤷‍♀️ Feeling overwhelmed, and don’t know where to start?

Download my 3x email sequences (with 6 emails each!) >> Take a look here!

Amd check out this super-easy to follow (yes, even if you’re not tech-savvy) “BUILD YOUR FUNNEL IN ONE DAY” – and get started today for 47 USD only!

In this mini-course I will guide you through all the necessary steps to set up your funnel. In each lesson you will learn what to do, how to do it and have the templates to quickly get started. 

Click Here and Get Started Today!