How To Create a Freebie That Grows Your Email List as a Sleep Consultant

How To Create a Freebie That Grows Your Email List as a Sleep Consultant

Email marketing boasts one of the highest returns on investment (ROI) compared to other marketing channels. According to Data & Marketing Association (DMA), for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is $42. That’s a whopping 4,200% ROI! Can you think of any other marketing strategy that delivers such impressive results? I didn’t think so!

Imagine having an exclusive connection to your most engaged audience — those who are genuinely excited about what you offer as a Sleep Consultant. That’s the power of an email list.

Unlike social media platforms, where algorithms control who sees your posts, your email list is something you own. You can communicate directly with your subscribers anytime, anywhere, without worrying about changes in social media policies or reach.

Building an email list allows you to nurture relationships with potential customers, share valuable content, and keep your audience updated with the latest news, offers, and insights from your sleep consulting business. It’s like having a VIP club where you can provide exclusive content, special deals, and personalized messages that make your subscribers feel valued and connected to your brand.

Using Freebies to Attract Subscribers

Now, you might be wondering, “How do I get people to join my email list?” That’s where freebies come in. Freebies, also known as lead magnets, are incentives that you offer to potential subscribers in exchange for their email addresses.

Why are freebies so effective? For starters, everyone loves getting something for free, especially if it’s valuable. By offering a high-quality freebie, you’re providing an immediate benefit that solves a problem or meets a need for your audience. This not only encourages people to subscribe but also sets the tone for the kind of value they can expect from being on your list.

Freebies can take many forms — eBooks, checklists, templates, webinars, discount codes, and more. The key is to ensure that your freebie is relevant to your audience and aligns with their interests and needs. A well-crafted freebie can showcase your expertise, build trust, and position you as an go-to resource in your industry.

Plus, freebies help segment your audience from the get-go. When someone downloads a specific freebie, you gain insights into their interests and needs, allowing you to tailor your future email content to better serve them. This personalized approach can significantly boost your engagement rates and foster a stronger connection with your subscribers.

Why should you listen to me?

As a business integrator specializing in helping Sleep Consultants start, launch and grow their business, I have extensive experience in identifying and fixing marketing bottlenecks, setting up automated systems, and creating effective lead generation strategies. In this article (and this workshop), I’ll guide you through the process of creating a compelling freebie that will help you build a thriving email list.

Essential Elements of an Irresistible Freebie

An irresistible freebie should provide immediate value to your audience. It should be relevant, actionable, and solve a specific problem your audience faces. Additionally, it should be well-designed and easy to consume.

Part 1: Understanding Your Audience

1.1 Identify Your Ideal Client

Understanding your ideal client is the first step in creating an effective freebie. Who are they? What are their needs and challenges? For Sleep Consultants, your ideal clients are parents struggling with their children’s sleep issues, but can you take this to a deeper level? Is there an age group you enjoy working with, a specific parenting approach or something that gives you the opportunity to connect on an even deeper level with your ideal client.

1.2 Common Challenges and Pain Points Related to Sleep

Identify the common sleep challenges your audience faces. This could include difficulties with bedtime routines, frequent night wakings, or sleep regressions. Let’s say that you’re working mainly with toddler families and they are struggling to getting their toddler to stay in bed all night. Understanding their pain points will help you create a freebie that addresses their specific needs.

1.3 Valuable Content for Your Audience

What kind of content would be most valuable to your audience? Consider offering tips, strategies, or solutions that can help them overcome the first step in their sleep challenge. Examples of effective freebies for Sleep Consultants could include bedtime routine checklists, sleep training guides, or video tutorials on soothing techniques.

Now the key is to give a complete solution to a small part of the problem. What I usually do is simply asking myself, as a Sleep Consultant, what would be the first step I would take with this family? And that will become my freebie.

Let’s say you’re a nutrition coach and you want to grow your email list. One small part of the problem your audience faces might be figuring out how to make healthy snacks quickly and easily. A complete solution to this small part of the problem could be offering a freebie titled “10 Quick and Healthy Snack Recipes.”

This freebie would include:

  1. A list of 10 snack recipes that are easy to prepare.
  2. Nutritional information for each snack.
  3. Tips on how to store the snacks for freshness.
  4. Suggestions for variations to suit different dietary needs.

By providing this freebie, you’re solving a specific problem for your audience (finding quick, healthy snacks) and demonstrating your expertise, which can encourage them to subscribe to your email list for more valuable content.

Note: The title of your freebie is crucial — it’s the first impression your potential subscribers will have of the value you offer. It should be clear, compelling, and directly address a specific pain point or desire within your target audience.

For example, if you’re offering a freebie on improving toddler sleep, a title like “Toddler Sleep Solutions: 7 Expert Tips to Minimize Bedtime Resistance Instantly” instead of “Toddler Sleep Guide” communicates both the benefit (minimising bedtime resistance) and the value (expert tips). This kind of title not only attracts attention but also sets expectations for what subscribers will gain by signing up, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversion and engagement.

Part 2: Choosing the Right Freebie Format

There are various formats you can choose for your freebie:

  • E-books
  • Checklists
  • Templates
  • Guides
  • Video series

Each format has its pros and cons. E-books are great for in-depth information but can be time-consuming to create. Checklists and templates are quick to produce and easy to consume. Guides provide step-by-step instructions, and video series can offer a personal touch but may require more resources to produce.

Consider your audience’s preferences and your own expertise when choosing a format. If your audience prefers quick, actionable tips, a checklist might be ideal. If you excel at creating video content, a video series could be a great fit.

Part 3: Design Your Freebie Content

Create High-Value Content

Your freebie should offer high-value content that addresses a specific problem your audience faces. This can be a 3-step process, or 7 tips, etc. Provide actionable and helpful information that your audience can implement immediately.

Ensure Content is Easy to Understand and Implement

Keep your content simple and focused. Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information. Less is more when it comes to creating effective freebies.

Professional and Appealing Design

A professional and appealing design enhances the perceived value of your freebie. Tools like Canva or Capcut or Imovie can help you create visually appealing freebies for free. If you lack the time, skills, or energy to start from scratch, check out these ready-to-go freebies, including pre-written content.

18-page done-for-you Newborn Sleep Guide: front cover, introduction, newborn sleep patterns, safe sleep guidelines, healthy sleep habits, bedtime routine, sleepy cues, sleep associations, sleep challenges, tips for parents, self care worksheet, sleep chart, resources list — Buy here!
23-page done-for-you Toddler Sleep Guide: front cover, introduction, toddler sleep basics, safe sleep guidelines, common toddler sleep challenges, transitioning to a toddler bed, naps & daytime sleep, nutrition and sleep, nighttime potty training, product recommendations — Buy here!
27-page done-for-you Travel Sleep Guide: front cover, introduction, preparing for travel, packing essentials for sleep, sample packing checklist, travel logistics (air, car, bus), managing different timezones, sleep routine on the go, navigating one-day travel, handling sleep disruptions, traveling with siblings or a sick child, resources list, etc — Buy here!

Part 4: Promoting Your Freebie

Promoting a freebie effectively requires a strategic approach to grab attention, connect with your audience, and gather email addresses, and for this you’ll need a funnel. It helps you capture, nurture, and convert leads systematically, ensuring a higher return on investment for your marketing efforts and ultimately driving business growth.

Step 1: Design a Landing Page:
You want to create a dedicated landing page where visitors can sign up to receive the freebie. Platforms like (free!) can streamline the process of promoting, and managing your freebies. They offer tools for email marketing, automation, and landing page creation, making it easier to grow your email list.

Don’t forget to include a clear and enticing headline, description of the benefits, and a simple form to collect email addresses.

Step 2: Design a Thank You Page:

Continue with a thank you message that acknowledges the visitor for signing up. Clearly state how and when they will receive the freebie. Provide a download link, access instructions, or any other necessary information so they can immediately access the resource they signed up for.

Step 3: Follow-Up with Email Sequences:

Once someone signs up for your freebie, use an automated email sequence set up through your funnel. Also this can be done in, so you don’t have to use multiple systems. Deliver the freebie immediately and follow up with a series of emails that provide more value, nurture the relationship, and gently guide them towards becoming a paying customer.

Utilize your existing channels such as social media platforms, your website, blog posts, and email newsletters to promote the freebie. Craft compelling posts and messages that highlight the value of the freebie and include a strong call-to-action directing users to the landing page.

Partner with influencers or complementary businesses in your niche to reach a wider audience. Guest blog posts, joint webinars, or social media shout-outs can introduce your freebie to new potential subscribers.

Bonus Tip: Ensure your landing page is optimized for search engines with relevant keywords related to your freebie. This can help attract organic traffic from people searching for solutions to their problems. is a platform that offers this option for free.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a compelling freebie that attracts subscribers and grows your email list.

Happy freebie creating!

More information: “How to Build a Lead Magnet Funnel as a Sleep Consultant”.

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