Sleep Consultant, Do THIS BEFORE Diving Into Funnels & Marketing!

Have you ever bought something and the minute you clicked and your money was gone, you regretted it? That jacket that was actually a bit too expensive, or you bought another of the same thing you already have, not knowing how to explain that to your partner? That feeling of regret that you get right after making a purchase, (typically regarded as unnecessary) is called Buyers Remorse. It’s a horrible feeling, I can tell you that… 

Well, what do you think we’re offering? Sleep training is not something you need, like a roof above your head, or food on the table, it’s extra, it’s a luxury.. sleep training is not something you need, but something you want… So… buyers remorse is VERY common in our business, and we don’t want our clients to feel that after they’ve paid for our sleep consulting services, right?

So… how to not let them have that feeling? Is to have a very clear client onboarding process in place that is super straight forward… They need to know what happens after they pay, what happens after they complete the questionnaire, what happens after they book a call… you want all of that to be super clear.

And for them to be clear, YOU first need to be clear…. 

So that’s what I want to create with you, right now!

Grab a piece of paper and a pen – please don’t do this in notes on your phone, it doesn’t have the same effect… And also grab some colour pencils, best would be red, green, and orange. Let me take you through a powerful exercise, inspired by Eleanor Beaton.

On the top of your paper, write down the 5 phases of the customer journey:

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Purchase
  4. Service
  5. Loyalty

Now what we’re going to do is create boxes under each strategy. Let me talk you through this.. We start with awareness… how can people find you or hear about you?

For example, you want to set up your google business profile, so you can create a box under awareness that says google business profile. Another thing is opening a social media account (now if you decide to post daily, weekly or monthly, that doesn’t matter) it’s going to be either for credibility or as your main marketing strategy. So create another box and write down which social media account: youtube, pinterest, instagram, facebook…. 

Take a moment and think about this… how else are people going to hear about your services?


Did you think about: referrals, business cards, flyers, word of mouth, ads, blogs, google search bar, playground / yoga class?

If not, feel free to add the ones that resonate with you. If something else comes up later on, you can always add it later… 

And then we move on to the 2nd phase which is consideration.

When they are aware of you, what do they do next?

  • go to your website
  • sign up for a freebie
  • join a workshop
  • receive a dm from you
  • schedule a sleep assessment call
  • read your newsletter
  • read proposal

These are things they do after they’ve become aware of you, and before they make a purchase.


Next is the purchase phase, things that are coming on their path here is:

  • payment system
  • sign a contract
  • welcome email
  • access to course
  • receive the questionnaire
  • upsell if they buy an e-book


Next is the service phase…

  • support
  • sleep plan template
  • calls
  • ebook
  • coaching


And last is the loyalty phase:

  • testimonial
  • referral program
  • survey
  • make another purchase


Step 1: Now I want you to take a green pencil and colour the boxes you have already in place. Do you have set up an account with Calendly for them to schedule your calls? Do you have a sleep plan template that is ready to be adapted to your next client? Do you already send DMs to people who are liking or commenting on your posts?

Step 2: Now I want you to colour the line around box yellow/orange if you have something, but it’s not completely done, for example – you have a website but it’s not yet the way you want it, or you have opened a social media account but didn’t post yet.

Step 3: And then with the red pencil I want you to colour the line around the boxes that aren’t yet in place, but need to.. – remember this is your customer journey you wrote down what needs to be in place, so that’s what we’ll be working on.

Now put your pencils down and take a look! Isn’t it now VERY clear what you need to be working on? And from now on, you’re going to tackle only one box a time… don’t try to fix 5 things at the same time, you’re going to feel overwhelmed and that will not help you at all.

Just focus one thing at a time, keep it simple!!

Then… once you have all the pieces set up, once you have clarity on all of this, ONLY THEN you can build funnels and marketing campaigns… Do you understand now that you can’t build systems if you don’t have this clear first? Makes sense, now right?

So what kind of systems do you want to have in place? There are 3… 

  1. You want to have a Lead Generation system – so that potential clients go from the awareness phase to the consideration and then to the purchase phase.
  2. You want to have an onboarding & engagement system in place – once your leads become clients you want them to not have that buyers remorse feeling right. So a welcome email, clear next steps, questionnaire, clear communication guidelines etc. 
  3. And the third system is a client retention & referral system. Where you ask for feedback, provide ongoing support, encourage happy clients to refer their friends family to you, 

And this is the moment that I want to tell you about an opportunity that if you’re newly or almost certified WILL LOVE..

You know… the most important goal in the first year of business is becoming profitable. You can want to help families as much as you want, but if you’re not making money, then you’ll not going to continue. Making profit is super important… 

So let’s look at the numbers… 

If you want to make 2000 USD a month, and you charge 500 usd a client. That means you need 4 clients. Now the average conversation rate is 10 calls for 1 client, that means you need to have 40 calls a month to convert a client…

And my 1:1 clients get that… I’ve been working with many sleep consultants, setting up their complete business within 30 days. Complete I mean, logo, website, branding, funnels, onboarding templates, sharing how to get their first client strategies, and whatever else they wanted for their business…

They’ve invested up between 5-10k for my support, because they understood, that the faster they have the foundation in place, the faster and better they can focus on creating clients… 

Which is the life line of your business…

So then my question is.. why would not everybody do that? I mean who wants to ‘waste’ 5 months on researching and figuring out how to build a business, while you became certified as a sleep consultant remember, that’s what you wanted to do, not build a website and write email sequences… in stead of having everything set up within a month and get the financial boll rolling?

Because not everybody has 5-10k to invest in my 1:1 support.. I get that… and because I’m on a mission to help sleep consultants in all different budgets to start, launch and grow their business, to save time and attract more clients.. I came up with an idea… 

So what I started to do is while working with a 1:1 client, write down everything I did.. step by step.. the complete process, every decision I make, every platform I used, every template I designed while working 1:1 with my clients…

And then I recorded everything in a step-by-step process, leaving NOTHING out.. I also designed 20+ professional looking templates that can be easily edited with your own branding.. including a website, sleep plan, sleep guides… 

I wanted this to become the No Stress Solution to start and launch your sleep consulting business.

All with step by step video instructions so that… 

  • you know exactly what to do and in what order
  • you can make an impact and income as soon as possible
  • you have a professional website, without tech skills
  • you can save on lots of cost, by me sharing the cheapest or often free systems to use!

It fills the gap between certification and having a professional looking business, that doesn’t only look good, but that you can be proud off! And think about the time it will save you!!

And I called this program “The Sleep Consultant Business Starter

And you know what I did.. I added my complete template kit for which I charge 497 USD in it. So you literally have ALL the templates you need, from contracts, to sleep plans, to questionnaires, to website, to funnels… 

And.. I’m not going to leave you alone.. you’ve got me in your back pocket! Send me a DM and we can brainstorm about your business setup, I can give feedback on your logo, I’m there.. I want you to feel supported!!

Mel said: “It was like she was sitting next to me in my study, guiding me step by step.” And that’s exactly the feeling I wanted to create. I build this program, so that you can get started within 30 days, so that you can focus on the things you became certified for – helping families AND generating income!!

But… Rianna then all business are going to look the same right? Well, take a look for yourself… 

You can find Cyrenna from Counting ZZZZ on Instagram, or Anita Bala from Anita Pediatric Sleep or Mel from The Little Sleeping Baby and you’ll see, they all look different. Same foundation, different outcome, why? Because I guide you in module 3 through the complete branding process. And in module 4 I explain how you can edit the website template, thinking about the content, design, everything!

If you go to and scroll all the way to the bottom you’ll find a sneak peek video to see what’s inside!

Okay.. great. How much is this?

This is the best part – and this is what my business coach doesn’t like.. because the value WAY exceeds the investment, and so I’m considering raising the price, but not yet..

Your investment for the Business Starter is 997 USD, that is 10% of the price I was charging most of my 1:1 clients. 

There are so many families out there that can benefit from our support, I don’t want you to put yourself through the struggle and the waste of time and the loss of confidence by postponing the set up of your business for months.. I want you to win, as soon as possible! And that’s why I made the Sleep Consultant Business Starter program, for you… to win…. 

Click here to watch the sneak peek, to read the reviews, to see what’s included and get started today!!

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